The sun shone, the vendors were upbeat and the crowds turned out for Earth Day Dallas at Fair Park this weekend. While we heard some complaints about greenwashing, overall there was lots of green energy.
A great group of greenies turned out for Green Source DFW’s pre-Earth Day mixer on Thursday, April 18. Business connections and new friends were made during the gathering at The People’s Last Stand in Dallas.
Here’s a snapshot of some of the multi-talented and eco-minded attendees:
Environmental attorney, author and Dallas Sierra Club president Wendel Withrow wears a lot of hats in the DFW green community but says his first foray into living green was when he began reading the works of Edward Abbey in 1989.
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The Memnosyne Institute’s Interfaith Service Network focuses on collaborative community service and interfaith dialogue. Its Hunger Task Force is in the food sharing and saving business, providing food to needy people in the DFW area.