See a list of locations where you can drop off used cooking grease and oils in North Texas.
Jason shows you how to create a pleasing fragrance in your home with eco-friendly products.
Jason shows how grapefruit and salt combine to make an all-natural cleaner.
Earth Day Texas launches a new program called Earth Day Monthlies on Sept. 17 with a panel discussion of sustainable food.
"Green Tip of the Week " is an ongoing feature created by Green Tip Guy Jason Winningham of Duncanville.
Jason says a dash of eco-friendly vinegar in your iron will help you smooth out those wrinkles without starch.
PalletSmart in Fort Worth makes furniture, home decor and custom projects out of repurposed pallets and other reclaimed material.
Aug. 12, 2015
By Jason Winningham, the Green Tip Guy
This is a new feature called "Green Tip of the Week "created by Green Tip Guy Jason Winningham of Duncanville.
Aug. 5, 2015
Jason Winningham of Duncanville created the Green Tip of the Week series. recently began publishing Winningham’s eco-friendly videos as an ongoing feature.
Aug. 3, 2015
By Julie Thibodeaux