Michael and Tehseen Tenney head up NearBayou Naturals, a company started by the Tenney family in Iowa.

Green Tip Guy: Green up your underarms

Jason tests out a new natural deodorant product. 

Make Your Own Biodegradable Sunscreen

Aug. 26, 2015

"Green Tip of the Week " is an ongoing feature created by Green Tip Guy Jason Winningham of Duncanville.  


Dallas-based Bug-Bouncer sells eco-friendly mosquito repellent in three blends. Photos courtesy of Marla McDonald.

Aug. 5, 2015

While there are a number of eco-friendly mosquito repellents on the market, Marla McDonald of Dallas and Stephen Sawyer of Austin got the itch to sell their own version called Bug-Bouncer last year. Now they're scrambling to keep the product in stock with orders swarming in from as far away as Hawaii.

Veggie van

Beverly Thomas' Veggie Van is stocked with fresh organically grown produce from her farm.

Andrea Ridout, founder of Gecko Hardware in Dallas, is launching a new radio show this month called "Down to Earth." It will air at noon on Saturdays on 1190AM. Gecko's mascot George the Rooster is featured on the program's theme song. Listen here. Photo courtesy of Gecko Hardware.

Dallas-resident David Sepulveda says his new company Marma was inspired by family remedies. Photos courtesy of Marma.

May 5, 2015 

April 27, 2015

Coppell kids

March 23, 2015

Earth Day is officially celebrated April 22, but North Texas cities stretch out the holiday for four weeks starting in late March.

That's good news for greenies because that means fewer events overlap and you can attend an ecofest every week for a month. Check out the line up below – all events are free.

March 17, 2015

By Minnie Payne
