Above, a group of lobbyists from the North Dallas Texas Democratic Women's group joined others from the statewide group at the state Capitol on April 14. Courtesy of North Dallas Texas Democratic Women.
Our thanks to Memnosyne Board Member Gregory Gomez for this video, which features his son Itsa-Lichii Gomez
What If Our Trash Followed Us? Actors: Itsa-Lichii Gomez & Megan Lovato; Director & Photographer: Melissa Francis; Producer: Cameron Townsend; Music: Eileen & the In-Betweens.
Awards are presented by the Memnosyne Institute to recognize people and groups in the DFW area for their exceptional leadership in sustainability and the protection of the environment.
The Native Prairies Association of Texas is hosting meetings July 14 in Fort Worth and July 16 in Dallas in hopes of starting two North Texas chapters. Photo courtesy of NPAT.
June 30, 2014
A statewide organization that promotes prairie conservation throughout Texas wants to bring its mission to North Texas.
Above, DFW Citizens' Climate Lobby activists Swetha Kannan and Shawn Reeder along with Ricky Bradley of Houston will be among 500 CCL volunteers talking with Congress members and staff on June 24 to propose a carbon tax on the fossil fuel industry.
This 13-acre site in Richardson is one of the few remaining remnants of blackland prairie in Texas. A local developer has plans to build high-end homes on the property. Photo courtesy of Eric Reed. Additional photos by Karl Thibodeaux.
Laura McCavit of Stonewall Gardens in Dallas, worked with Tony Napolillo, Sun Club program manager, to purchase solar panels recently installed at Stonewall Gardens in Dallas.
The Sun Club is accepting applications for its 2015 grants until June 15.