About the Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards
The Green Source DFW Sustainble Leadership Awards, hosted by Green Source DFW and its parent nonprofit, the Memnosyne Institue, honors outstanding green professionals, nonprofits, businesses and volunteers in North Texas selected by their peers.
The nomination process will be held Sept. 15 through Oct. 6, 2023. All of the nominations are evaluted by a panel of judges selected from the North Texas green community. Winners are announced prior to the awards. This year's ceremony details TBA.
Sponsor the Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards and show your support for local green leaders and innovators. It's also a great way to get your name in front of the North Texas green community. Here are the 2023 sponsorship levels.
Below is a list of past winners. See Green Source DFW's Green Hall of Fame for a list of historic figures in the North Texas green movement. See links to the awards recaps at the bottom of the page.
2022 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Unsung Hero: John Wilt
Coke Buchanan Volunteer of the Year: Julie Ann Fineman
Environmental Educator: Suzanne Tuttle
Environmental Educator: Kim Aman
Next Generation: Akash Munshi
Next Generation: Brand Richter
Conservation Activist: John MacFarlane
Environmental Justice; Kathryn Bazan
Lifetime Achievement: Tolbert Greenwood
Lifetime Achievement: Lon Burnam
2021 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Conservation Activist: Marcie Haley (Twelve Hill Nature Center)
Green Project: Trinity Coalition, Trinity River National Water Trail
Coke Buchanan Volunteer of the Year: Victoria Howard (Dallas Sierra Club)
Environmental Justice: Tiara Chapman (Outdoor Afro Dallas)
Next Generation: Sahan Yerram
Environmental Reporting: Haley Samsel (Star-Telegram)
Unsung Hero: Bob Mione (Connemara Meadow)
Lifetime Achievement, Posthumously: Kevin Sloan
2020 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Environmental Science and Innovation Award: Texas Nameplate Co. (Dale Crownover, owner); Good Faith Energy (Mohammed Abdalla); and Deb Terrell (Luffa Lady)
Conservation Activist Award: Brandon Belcher (The Nature Conservancy)
Green Project or Program Award: City of Fort Worth Residential Food Scrap Composting Pilot Program (Flavia Paulino, leader)
Coke Buchanan Volunteer of the Year Award: Tammie Carson
Environmental Justice Award: Olinka Green (Poor People's Campaign) and Martha Jackson (Shingle Mt)
Environmental Reporting: GSDFW Reporting Team (Andrea Ridout, Andrew Ridout, Amy Martin, Betsy Friauf, Jim Domke, John Kent, Julie Thibodeaux, Marshall Hinsley, Minnie Payne, Julie Ryan, Michael Smith and Green Tip Guy Jason Winningham)
2019 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Environmental Reporting: Robert Wilonsky (Dallas Morning News)
Environmental Science and Innovation Award: Trinity River Turtle Survey (Andrew Brinker, Paschal High School)
Conservation Activist Award: Sam Kieschnick (TPWD) and Clint Wolfe (Texas A&M AgriLife)
Green Project or Program Award: Amy King (Good Work Coworking)
Coke Buchanan Volunteer of the Year Award: DFW Solar Tour (North Texas Renewable Energy Group)
Environmental Justice Award: Ernest McMillan (Environmental Justice Network)
Unsung Hero Award: Lanny Shivers (EarthX) and Kirk Miller (Dallas Sierra Club)
Founders Award: John & Margie Haley (Dallas philanthropists and activists)
Lifetime Achievement: Molly Rooke
2018 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Environmental Reporting: Randy Loftis (Dallas Morning News)
Environmental Science and Innovation Award: DFW Air Research Consortium
Conservation Activist Award: Don and Debora Young (Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area)
Green Project or Program Award: Promise of Peace Gardens
Coke Buchanan Volunteer of the Year Award: David Griggs (Dallas Sierra Club)
Environmental Justice Award: Joppa
Unsung Hero Award: Kenneth Winn
Corporate Trailblazer: TreeHouse
Founders Award: Phillip Collins
2017 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Large Business or Nonprofit Project or Program: DCCCD Sustainabiity Summit
Small Business: Recycle Revolution
Small Nonprofit: Liveable Arlington
Nonprofit Professional: Corey Troiani (Texas Campaign for the Environment DFW)
Volunteer: Dr. Robert Haley
Corporate Trailblazer: Living Earth
Next Generation Award: Gonzalez Green Team
Unsung Hero Award: Jeff Dye (EarthX)
Founders Award: Dr. Todd Collier
Lifetime Achievement: Brent A. Brown (buildingcommunity WORKSHOP)
2016 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Large Business or Nonprofit: Half Price Books
Small Business: Texas Worm Ranch
Small Nonprofit: Texas Honeybee Guild
Nonprofit Professional: Dan Lepinski (North Texas Renewable Energy Group)
For Profit Professional: Anna Clark (Earth People and Shark Stewards)
Volunteer: Chris and Dick Guldi (Dallas Sierra Club)
Corporate Trailblazer: Breeze Energy
Founders Award: Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk and Joshua Frenk, Phillip Shinoda
Lifetime Achievement: Howard Garrett (Organic gardening advocate, radio host and author)
2015 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Large Business or Nonprofit Project: The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas, Urban Water Team
Small Business: Commodity Recycling Solutions
Small Nonprofit: Denton Drilling Awareness Group
Nonprofit Professional: Sharon Wilson (Earthworks)
Volunteer: Ben Sandifer (Great Trinity Forest advocate)
Lifetime Achievement: Georgeann Moss (Dallas County Community College District Sustainability Team)
2014 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Small Business: Edible DFW
Small Nonprofit: Texas Campaign for the Environment (DFW Office)
Nonprofit Professional: Rita Beving (Dallas Sierra Club, Public Citizen)
For-Profit Professional: Gary Olp (GGO Architects)
Volunteer: Alexandria Beck (Mean Green for Animals)
Lifetime Achievement: Margie Haley (Dallas activist and philanthropist)
2013 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Small Business: Recycle Revolution
Small Nonprofit: Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area
Nonprofit Professional: Debbie Branch (City of Fort Worth Commercial Recycling and Keep Fort Worth Beautiful)
For Profit Professional: Frito Lay Facilities Team
Volunteer: Molly Rooke (Dallas Sierra Club)
Public Service: Trammell S. Crow (Earth Day Dallas)
Lifetime Achievement: Tom Kemper (Dolphin Blue)
2012 GSDFW Sustainable Leadership Winners
Small Busiiness: 911 Wildlife
Small Nonprofit: Downwinders at Risk
For-Profit Professional: Grier Raggio (We Consume Too Much blog)
Volunteer Award: Josephine Keeney (Molly Hollar Wildscape, Native Plant Society of Texas, Arlington Conservation Council)
Green Source DFW Awards return in person in Fort Worth
DFW greenies to be feted virtually at 10th annual awards
North Texas greenies honored at virtual awards
Trophies hand delivered to North Texas greenies
Green stars rock the 2019 Green Source DFW awards