The new green home improvement store drew a steady crowd during its opening weekend.

Enthusiastic greenies came out for the Green Source DFW Run for the Environment on Saturday.

Meet Jason Ballard who's opening a Dallas green home improvement store June 2.

Downwinders at Risk held a ceremony last week for the first graduates of The College of Constructive Hell Raising.

The map tells hikers where they are on the trails and can be accessed with a smart phone.

The Coalition for Environmental Justice North Texas is organizing an ExxonMobil protest on May 31 in Dallas.

Sally Warren's exhibit "Convenience Store" explores an ugly urban problem.

The 9th Annual Lavender Festival will be held May 27-29 in Gainesville.

Globe Life Park in Arlington was named most veg-friendly stadium by PETA.

Local recycling programs will be showcased at the Degrees of Recycling Conference on May 18.

The owners of Savannah's Meadow in Celeste are ramping up their eco-friendly features.

Jennifer Stuart debuted her rolling eco-friendly classes at the Twelve Hills Nature Center in April.
