By Julie Thibodeaux

If you’ve got solar power, the North Texas Renewable Energy Group wants to talk to you. The group is hoping to fill some spots for its fourth annual 2013 DFW Solar Home Tour on Oct 5. 

Aug. 23, 2013

Photos by Phillip Shinoda.

Environmentalists are riding a wave of optimism this week after the Dallas City Plan Commission confirmed it has included a 1,500-foot setback in the new gas drilling ordinance being drafted by the city. 

By Julie Thibodeaux

In May, when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that the level of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had surpassed 400 parts per million, Karen Weiss of Dallas took it as a wake-up call.

By Rita Cook     

“I believe that you are all here in this room today because you have a similar (nature) experience whether it’s from your childhood or one from a more recent time that made you feel truly connected to the natural world around you.”

By Julie Thibodeaux

By Julie Thibodeaux

Lots of ways to liven up your week and even help some great causes at the same time. Bowling, birding, geocaching, a musical and a community garden bash - all happening this week in DFW!


By Julie Thibodeaux

More than 30 environmental enthusiasts turned out for the Green Source DFW Summer Mixer on July 18 at The People’s Last Stand in Dallas.

By Julie Thibodeaux

July 5, 2013

• The BOPA program, launching in August, will help residents dispose of the top four household hazardous waste items safely and more conveniently.
