In his last feature-length film, Unbranded, Ben Masters set out to cross America on wild mustangs in an unforgettable journey across public lands. In his latest film, he sets out with an equally audacious and challenging plan: to navigate 1,200 miles of the border between the USA and Mexico on horses, mountain bikes and canoes. While everything the native Texan does involves some sort of adventure, his real purpose in The River and the Wall is to explore the wildlife across this complex and diverse terrain, and understand how it would be affected by the wall proposed by President Donald Trump. The film provides a different layer to the debate raging from Washington, D.C. to El Paso and beyond as Masters paddles, pedals and rides his way through this thorny issue.
Event Location:
Perot Museum of Science & Nature
, TX
See map: Google Maps
Date and Time:
Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 6:30pm
Event URL: