May 11 and 12, June 22, July 21 and August 4
MNS Science Building (1318 South Second Avenue in Fair Park)

Discover the science of flight from super heroes to helicopters to pterosaurs during this night of high flyin’ fun. This event includes the award-winning IMAX® film Flying Monsters.

Experience the wonders of the world like never before with plenty of adventure that unfolds under the cover of night. Enjoy a late-night pizza snack, auditorium show, hands-on workshop, exhibit tour, scavenger hunt through exhibits, continental breakfast in the morning plus an eye-opening IMAX® film!

High Flyin’ Fun Sleepovers are geared toward children 6-12 years old.

$35 per child 
$20 per adult chaperone

To sign up for a sleepover or for information on other scheduled sleepovers, call 972-201-0618, emailsleepovers@natureandscience.org or visit natureandscience.org.

Event Location: 
Museum of Nature & Science - Science Building
1318 South Second Avenue in Fair Park
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Friday, May 11, 2012 - 7:00pm to Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 9:30am