The DFW Solar Tour, North Texas' premier energy event, is now the LARGEST Solar and Renewable Energy in Texas Tour in Texas and ranked THIRD in the U.S.! Now in its ninth year, the DFW Solar Tour has grown from a few sites with some of the FIRST solar installations in North Texas to 50 sites spread out over five North Texas counties. This unique self-guided Open House event includes homes, schools, colleges, businesses and municipal sites.
At the DFW Solar Tour held every October, consumers can talk with owners and managers about their firsthand experiences and can visit as many sites as they'd like.
Also included are nine Education Center "hubs," where visitors can see a brief Solar 101 Presentation, as well as other presentation on renewable energy and green and sustainable living topics.
Sites on the Tour include examples of solar systems, wind power, geothermal, battery storage systems, energy conservation, rainwater harvesting, green and sustainable design and building methods and drought-tolerant landscaping.
Many sites also feature electric vehicles, and, even solar cars by high school
Solar Car Challenge teams.
Still an ALL-VOLUNTEER project, sponsored by the nonprofit NTREG (and wonderful sponsors), this year's Tour will Involve over 150 volunteers!
The mission is to continue offering this FREE, family-friendly event to educate the public
on working Renewable Energy solutions