Apr 17 2024
Lights Out Texas: Statewide (March 1 to June 15)
Ennis Garden Club: Bluebonnet Trails - Ennis (April 1-30)
From April 1-30, Ennis showcases over 40 miles of mapped driving Bluebonnet Trails sponsored by the Ennis Garden Club. These trails are the oldest such trails known in the state, and tens of thousands of visitors make the short trek to Ennis to view this wonderful wildflower show. In Ennis, the bluebonnets typically peak around the 3rd week of April, according to the Ennis Garden Club. This can vary year to year due to weather conditions and terrain, so check website or call 972-878-4748 before your visit.
You can pick up a Bluebonnet Trail Map at the Ennis Welcome Center located at 201 NW Main St, Ennis, Texas 75119. The Ennis Welcome Center is open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You can also download the free ENNIS Y'ALL mobile app, for the Ennis Bluebonnet Trail Map, place to shop, dine, upcoming events and more.
Maps not available until April 1.
Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club: FW Climate Safe Neighborhood Coalition - Fort Worth
Dr. Gina Alexander, co-leader of the Fort Worth Climate Safe Neighborhood Coalition, discusses the strategies for creating equitable access to Nature and green space.
The coalition, along with roughly 30 community partners, across multiple organizations and sectors, aims to increase equitable access to safe, sustainable green spaces while advancing tree equity and environmental knowledge throughout Fort Worth.
Potluck Dinners are back! Bring your favorite appetizer, side, salad or dessert to share, and don't forget to bring your own non-alcoholic drink of choice. (Please consider bringing vegetarian options.) We encourage guests to arrive early, between 6:35 p.m. to 6:40 p.m., to partake of food prior to the start of the meeting.