Update on July outreach & possible properties; discussion of member roles in moving project forward. Bring a snack to share.

Describing New York City's first cohousing project, a New York Times
article said cohousing speaks to people who want to own a home but not
feel lost in an impersonal city. That's how we feel.
And we want to live sustainably, with a smaller carbon footprint. To
know our neighbors, grow some of our own food and use our united buying
power to support local farmers and dairies. We want to model a more
resilient way of life for the DFW metroplex.

I recently installed a 500 gallon, 80 sq ft super-efficient aquaponic
unit at Paul Quinn College (pics to be posted soon). This Meetup will
be used to go over the design and construction of that unit, with
hands-on training on the various steps in building it out. The same
basic design (with minor changes) can be built using one, two, three or
four totes depending on the size unit you wish to build, your energy
budget, etc. These designs will be discussed and the differences will be
explained in full. The unit at Paul Quinn utilizes four 275 gallon IBC
totes, and has four gravel grow beds and two raft sections. The unit is
simple enough to be built in a day using readily available, low cost

Although the temperatures are anything but "Fall-like" right now, we
will actually be able to start planting a limited selection of Fall
veggies later this month into early August. The majority will not be
planted until September-October, but it doesn't hurt to start preparing

Urgent notice: If you are tomato fans (and who isn't), now until mid July is the time to put in your transplants.

Topics for discussion will include:

1. Discussing what's working or not in your gardens right now

2. Pest and disease control

3. Fall bed preparation

4. Planting schedules and crop selection

We will also be exchanging seeds, so bring your stash to share with
others, and get some in return.  Only if you have extra you haven't used
or want to exchange for something you don't already have! We can share!

 Oh, the rewards of having a Texas-sized growing season! (with an oppressive heat and dry spell in the middle, of course)

“It's good for businesses, consumers, neighborhood, and our environment.”

This meeting's speaker will be Jackie Peal, Master Gardener from Calloway's nursery, and will be speaking on the topics of landscaping with native species and the organic/natural fertilizers. Come out to meet one of the most influential residential landscape design companies, learn something new and meet other folks in the Sustainable culture that can help your business to grow!


“DFW Greenweavers is a power group of local, sustainable businesses that have been operating in the Metroplex as experts in their given Green fields.”

We will be following our synergizing format that we did last time. When people arrive you will be broken into three groups:

1) Home and Buildings 

2) Food and Gardening

3) Health and Lifestyle 

The first part of the meeting will be spent socializing with the
people in your industry. There has been a great response from people
spending time with others that are in their given fields.

After that you will draw a business card from the hat. You will then
have a 5 minute 1-1 with that person and you will be giving their 30
second commercial! This was a HUGE success last time. Lots of FUN!

Each meeting will be sponsored by a different business every month.
The sponsor will have 10 minutes to talk to the group about what they
do. There will be several other perks that go along with sponsorship.
The sponsor is paying the $75 room fee so that we can have our own
private room that's quiet. Finally!

Come to an organic gardening workshop based on Permaculture
principles and practices held in Fort Worth to kick-off a non-profit
group: Citizen's Gardener. $30 fee. You will leave the class ready to
start your fall garden in very little space at home or ready to start a
community garden for your church or other group. We have long-time
Permaculture instructor and Austin Citizen's Gardener teacher Dick
Pierce teaching 1st class on Aug 13.

This all-day workshop also starts a community garden for a Fort Worth
school for underprivileged kids, Fortress Youth DC. Dress
appropriately, bring water, snacks, and a brown-bag lunch.

City of Forney's

Environmental Co-op

Backyard Habitat Workshop Series


grow all year long - care-free & companion plants * save water

Register at eco@trashbusters.org

North Texas Renewable Energy Group September Meeting

Making dark, rich, crumbly compost doesn't take much time, work or space. Learn the essentials including the composting process, hands on demonstration of how to build an active compost pile, and how worms can recycle food scraps into rich organic compost. Improve your soil, and your flowers and vegetables will thank you. Ages 16 and up. $20.

Dotty Woodson of Texas Agrilife and former Tarrant County Extension horticulturalist will explain how to conserve water in your home landscape and urban water conservation issues. The third Wednesday of each month we share conservation news, outings info and enjoy a presentation by a guest speaker. Speaker will be followed by refreshments, club business and announcements. Location: Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, Moncrief Garden Center, Azalea Room; 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd. at University Drive, north of I-30, Fort Worth. (817)871-7686.
