2023 Sponsorship Levels

12th Annual Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards

See Past Award Winners

Live Oak - $20,000 and above
Title Sponsorship for 2023-2024.
All the benefits of the Pecan level plus banner ad space on the Green Source DFW website. 

Pecan - $10,000
Title Sponsorship for 2023 only.
All the benefits of the Redbud level plus ad space on the Green Source DFW website. 

Redbud - $5,000
All the benefits of the Magnolia level plus one promotional article. 

Magnolia -$2,500
All the benefits of the Dogwood level plus recognition at the Sustainable Leadership Awards. 

Dogwood –$1,000
All the benefits of Bluebonnet Level.
Logo on Green Source DFW weekly newsletter for two months.
Four tickets to awards.

Bluebonnet – $500
All the benefits of Coneflower Level.
Logo on Green Source DFW weekly newsletter for one month.

Coneflower - $250
All the benefits of Indian Paintbrush Level.
Company logo listed on awards event page.
Two tickets to awards.

Indian Paintbrush – $100
Company name listed on awards program.
One ticket to awards.


Contact Julie Thibodeaux at [email protected]
or 817-732-0722

BY CHECK: Make Checks Payable To: 

Memnosyne Institute

att: Phillip Collins

2902 Maple Avenue 

Dallas, Texas 75201 

ONLINE: If you prefer to pay by credit card:  http://www.memnosyneinstitute.org/donate