Learn the basics and benefits of rainwater harvesting and the effects stormwater has on the environment. Participants will learn how to collect and utilize rainwater at home and have the opportunity to construct their own 55-gallon rain barrel.

Cost: $50 per barrel

Please complete the form to RSVP for this course: http://dallas.tamu.edu/courses/2016/october-18-2016-saving-from-a-rainy-...


REGISTER AT: http://trwdtrashbash.com/fall/

Join us for the 25th Annual Fall TRWD Trash Bash. Pick a location and bring a group, a friend or just yourself to help clean up trash along the Trinity.

Trash Bash 3pm - 5:30pm

After Party 5:30pm - 8pm 

Fireworks 8:15pm

Enjoy free food, prizes, giveaways and entertainment by 106.1 KISS FM! 

Vote for your favorite green volunteers and leaders in North Texas. The top three finalists will be judged by a panel. Winners will be announced at the Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards on Nov. 3 at the Dallas Arboretum. 

The Memnosyne Institute's Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Awards was launched in 2012 and has since honored many outstanding green leaders in North Texas.

Chrissy Cortez-Mathis will present “Plants that Love to Grow Here-Texas Native & Adapted Plants.” Chrissy is a Dallas County Master Gardener. This program introduces great shrubs, ground covers and perennials to use in the landscape. All plants covered are drought tolerant and easy to care for. Chrissy’s passion for reducing grass in the landscape was born when she was in charge of mowing her family’s big corner lot lawn as a teenager. It would often take her two days; now it just takes 10 minutes to do her own. In 2004 she and her husband bought a house in Richardson.

An evolution of the annual Smartscape Tour of Coppell, the Sustainable Home and Garden Tour will expand to include features such as solar, rain water catchments, compost methods and backyard habitats in addition to Smartscape design. The idea of this self-guided yard tour is to provide people the opportunity to talk to homeowners about the real impact of investing in features that can be both beneficial to the environment and cost saving. Tour goers will be able to attend all five stops or pick and choose locations that are most relevant to their interests.

This week's theme is Wild About Water. $5. $3 with MAC card.

World's largest eco-fest featuring hundreds of green organizations and businesses, speakers, films, food and kid's activities. Free.

What a year of weather we have had, with repeated flooding of Lake Texoma following 3 years of drought. Meteorologist Wava Denito from KXII-TV will speak in July on El Nino, our weather patterns, etc.

Water-themed conference featuring speakers on the current state of Texas' water supply, saving water, using native & drought resistant plants, climate change & water, water resources threats and aquifer storage. 

Register online at DFWWaterConference.org starting July 20. $35 until Sept. 9. (Includes lunch, 11 speakers)

Info: Rita Beving, [email protected] or 214-557-2271.
