Suzanne Tuttle - Teacher

Description of Individual or Organization

Suzanne Tuttle has an exemplary record as an environmental educator in North Texas. The list is long. I first met her when she was the Director of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge. She was the first person to help me ID plants at Tandy Hills Natural Area. She led numerous Wildflower Walks during the 10-year run of Prairie Fest at Tandy Hills. She was a founding member of the Kids on the Prairie team of Master Naturalists in 2006 who led field trips for young students.

Suzanne helped write the Master Plan for Tandy Hills in 2007. She was a major participant in the Tandy Hills Bioblitz in 2011. And finally, she helped write grants to help Friends of Tandy Hills improve the trail systems in 2018. That's just Tandy Hills. She is deeply involved in education opportunities with the Native Plant Society of Texas, Native Prairies Association of Texas. She leads Winter Tree ID field trips at Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve and elsewhere. She remains a consultant to City of Fort Worth Park & Rec Department and others.

Leadership (Nominee demonstrates leadership through example, knowledge, attitude)

Suzanne is a soft-spoken laid-back yet highly professional and capable educator, brimming with knowledge and vast experience in her field. Her style is calm, confident and inspiring.

Environmental Impact (Nominee demonstrates a positive impact on the local environment via policy change, product offering, significant volunteer contribution or other achievement)

Suzanne is an indispensable member of numerous organizations and willing to volunteer her time and knowledge. She wrote The Master Plan for Tandy Hills in 2007 and helped teach advanced classes at NPAT and NPSOT, among others.

Community Impact (Nominee demonstrates commitment to DFW green community through involvement with causes, business ventures or organizations)

Suzanne's volunteer involvement in local nature and environmental organizations cannot be overstated. She is one of the pioneers of the environmental movement in North Texas.

Other reasons for your nomination

I dare say that, without the efforts and professionalism of Suzanne, the North Texas environmental/nature movement and organizations would not be as robust.