Local environmental leaders will be honored, including longtime Dallas activist Margie Jackson Haley. $25.

Although the sweat lodge is not open to the general public, you're invited to the ceremony that welcomes the New Year. Love offering. RSVP: 214-288-9935 or PrayerWalker07@hotmail.com.

Join the Dallas Sierra Club for a service project. Then walk the beautiful trails just south of Dallas. Info: Ginger Bradley: 469-223-7902.

Join the local chapter of the Audubon Society. This month's program:  Malawi Census.

A Winter Solstice Celebration with entertainment and ceremonies of various cultures will occur simultaneously throughout the evening both indoors and out will be presented by the Labyrinth Walk Coffee House. Free. Donations accepted. Bring a canned good or clothing item for the needy. 

See website for details.

Gather at the Medicine Wheel to seek a place on the Earth Mother. Drum for Peace and civility for all. Love offering. Info: RSVP: 214-288-9935. PrayerWalker07@hotmail.com.

This month we'll be working with Arlington Parks Dept. staff to remove privet and chipping up the huge brush pile that we've created from previous privet pulls. We'll also be working on our wildflower beds and picking up litter.

UPDATE: December work day cancelled.

NOTE: This event was rescheduled due to the December ice storm.

Award ceremony for Arlington Conservation Council's photo contest. Photographs from the Focus Contest are now on exhibit at River Legacy Living Science Center in the Riparian Viewing Room, located in the far back of the Center's exhibit hall until Jan. 1, 2014.

Attendees are invited to join the ACC's meeting and potluck following the ceremony.

If you like basic energy retrofits and enjoy saving a little money on utility bills, then you'll love taking energy savings to the next level. Learn how to complete advanced retrofits to increase your home's energy efficiency. Free.

If you like basic energy retrofits and enjoy saving a little money on utility bills, then you'll love taking energy savings to the next level. Learn how to complete advanced retrofits to increase your home's energy efficiency. Free.
