Solar canopies will shield cars from the elements at El Dorado Chevrolet/Mazda.
The DFW Solar Tour on Oct. 13 features 50 locations.
Grand Opening of the new George W. Hawkes Downtown Library in Arlington is June 16.
EarthxSolar is a conference within EarthX featuring a solar expo and a solar forum April 20-22.
Cedar Hill, joined Austin and El Paso, in receiving the gold designation from the national Solsmart program.
The 2,800 rooftop panels will produce more than half of the store's power.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff is over the moon about their new solar lights.
The eighth annual DFW Solar Tour will be held Oct. 7 across 30 sites in DFW.
A group of local solar advocates are helping residents of South Dallas train for green jobs.
The North Texas green community filled up Dallas Arbortum's Rosine Hall for a happy night honoring local eco-heros.