Jan. 14, 2013

By Phillip Shinoda 

Even before the Dallas Planning Commission meeting on reconsideration of three permits for gas drilling in Dallas parks  that were denied in December,  there were complaints that there would be no citizen input in the process.  Speakers spoke in the Flag room before the start of the meeting.


Julie's Green Light is a new, regular feature in Green Source DFW. This week Assistant Editor Julie Thibodeaux covers Dallas philanthropist Ariel Nessel - Pollination Project, the City of Dallas Zero Waste Goals and Fort Worth's JIm Marshall - Bluebirder of the Year 2012

Jan. 2, 2013

Promised Land is a must see film. 

The story revolves around a global gas company getting leases to drill for natural gas and the subsequent fracking in a small farming community.

From Rotten Tomatoes:

  Environmental Issue 

Dec. 8, 2012

Known as bcWORKSHOP, the first question might be exactly what does that mean.  Translation; founded in 2005 and gaining 501(3) status in 2008, the buildingcommunityWORKSHOP located in Dallas is a nonprofit community design center with an eye toward seeking to improve the livability and viability of communities through the practice of thoughtful design.

Nov. 29, 2012    

Kim Feil doesn’t mind making a scene when it comes to gas drilling.

In one appearance before the Arlington City Council, the Arlington-based activist “rapped” her complaints about gas drilling a cappella two years ago.

She followed that by demonstrating how to put on a gas mask in case of a fallout.

Nov. 25, 2012   

Melting glaciers, devastating droughts and catastrophic storms are catching people’s attention -- even in Texas. Heeding the warnings of the scientific community, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, many North Texans are bucking the state’s loyalty to fossil fuels and joining the movement to stop global warming.

Environmental Co-op Kaufman County

    Green Nonprofit Organization 

By Rita Cook    
