environmental activism, nonprofits
The dunes sagebrush lizard requires a rare habitat, which is being threatened by oil drilling, fracking and sandmining.
Early Bird registration is open till the end of December.
The former political chair of the Lone Star Sierra Club explains the vetting process for candidates.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation rolled out its Pollinators and Prairies program this week.
North Central Texas Council of Governments staff revealed its initial ideas for reducing pollution across the region.
Proposition 14 aims to establish a $1 billion fund to acquire land for new state parks.
Clearing is underway despite the state's threat to use eminent domain to preserve the park.
Dallas-based developer Shawn Todd said he's going forward with development of the property despite ongoing battle.
EarthShare Texas supports more than 30 local and state environmental organizations with no-strings-attached funding.
See who was recently honored at the Green Source DFW Awards in Fort Worth.