The Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) was created in 1939, by the Texas Legislature to organize the state into soil conservation districts (now known as soil and water conservation districts) where there was a need expressed by local landowners. The TSSWCB was also designed to serve as the state-level administrative agency for local soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) once the districts were organized.

Today, there are 216 SWCDs organized across the state. Each district is an independent political subdivision of state government that is governed by five directors elected by landowners in the district. The TSSWCB provides assistance to the districts through field representatives that meet regularly with districts, through TSSWCB regional offices and through programs administered by the TSSWCB.

The TSSWCB Regional Offices' primary effort involves providing assistance to SWCDs in the implementation of the Water Quality Management Plan Program. These offices also work to establish and promote effective working relationships with other agencies.

North Central Texas Office
611 E Blackjack St
76446 Dublin , TX
Phone: 254-445-4814
Steven Jones