Describing New York City's first cohousing project, a New York Times article said cohousing speaks to people who want to own a home but not feel lost in an impersonal city. That's how we feel.
And we want to live sustainably, with a smaller carbon footprint. To know our neighbors, grow some of our own food and use our united buying power to support local farmers and dairies. We want to model a more resilient way of life for the DFW metroplex.
We want to live in a diverse community, with old and young, singles and couples, varied backgrounds.
We're growing a community of like-minded folks who'd like to live cooperatively in urban Dallas, close to a DART station.
Our vision is that the community is affordable, with a lease-to-own option if possible.
We're at the forming stage, which means we're drawing together a core group of people willing to commit financially.
We've located some possible properties; the investor-members will determine which property works for our shared vision.
Join us if you'd like to be part of shaping a vision for a cooperative community in urban Dallas.