The Texas Environmental Leadership Awards recognize true stewards of environmental change in Texas – individuals, communities, organizations, and businesses developing and maintaining programs involving recycling, composting, sustainable materials management, public education and outreach, special event recycling – and so much more. Applications are due Friday, August 28th by 5pm. Award winners will be honored at a special ceremony in Austin in November.
Why Should You Apply for STAR's 2015 Environmental Leadership Awards?? We'll Give You 6 Reasons...
1. You work hard every day to increase recycling rates across Texas. You should get credit for that! We know that your job can be demanding and often times, thankless. Well, we're here to thank you! You should feel good about what you do and we want to play a part in making that happen.
2. Winning awards helps to boost morale. If you have an office full of stellar employees who have been working especially hard on a project, nominate them for an award! They will feel appreciated and grateful that you recognized their efforts.
3. Awards look very impressive to local elected officials. If you work for a city, county or COG, it can be hard sometimes to get anyone to pay attention to you or to understand the value of your department. Well, winning an award like this one could be just the thing to put you on the map! Your success winning a STAR award could inspire your City Council to support you in future endeavors.
4. Your successes might inspire someone else. By submitting your project for a Texas Environmental Leadership Award, you are sharing stories of your success with other Texans across the state. If we truly want to increase recycling rates statewide, it's important that we share what works and what doesn't with each other.
5. If you win, you get to celebrate with a super fun party in Austin. That's reason enough to apply!
6. Just think how cool that award will look sitting in your office... Everyone will be jealous. Passersby will gawk and take photos. Coworkers will ask for your autograph. People will visit more often.