Dallas Sierra Club General Meeting Tuesday, January 10
We have two great programs for you at our January General Meeting. Our first program is a short presentation about the controversial subject of climate engineering. Our main program will look at native plants of North Texas.
Climate Engineering
Geoengineering, also called climate engineering, is the term used to describe activities designed to intentionally alter the earth's natural environment to counteract the effects of climate change. Almost everyone agrees that use of geoengineering methods would be very risky and quite likely to have significant unintended consequences. Should research be undertaken? Is geoengineering the Plan B in the event that current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are unsuccessful? Sierra Club member Paul Heller will discuss this controversial subject. Paul Heller was trained as an electrical engineer at Purdue with an MBA from Wharton.
Native Plants of North Texas
Are you aware that North Central Texas is one of the largest residential water users in the world? The national average residential water use is 69.3 gallons per capita, and the DFW area uses as much as three times more. By eliminating massive lawns and exotic plants from other continents and replacing with native plants, we can conserve water, give Texas a sense of place; and equally important, create biodiversity that protects our pollinators which is our food supply.
Gailon Hardin will explain why we need to use native plants and their benefits to our environment. She is the past president of the Native Plant Society of Texas.
Everyone is welcome. You don't have to be a Sierra Club member.
Our General Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. but come at 6:30 for snacks, information and fellowship. he Dallas Sierra Club meets at the REI store on the west-bound LBJ/I-635 service road between Welch Road and Midway Road on the second Tuesday of every month. The address is REI, 4515 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway, Dallas, TX 75244.
Event Location:
4515 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway
, TX
See map: Google Maps
Date and Time:
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Event URL: