This will be an informal yet intentional meditation. We will begin with a brief invocation and greeting and then dedicate time for walking and contemplation accompanied by the sound of medicine gongs and bells. We will complete our gathering with a brief closing circle. Come for the full two hours or just to walk your journey as you need to.  

The labyrinth is a walking meditation, a path of prayer and an archetypal blueprint where psyche meets Spirit. It has only one path that leads from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center.There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. Unlike a maze where you lose your way, the labyrinth is a spiritual tool that can help you find your way.

Labyrinths are currently being used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, recover a balance in life and encourage meditation, insight, self-reflection, stress reduction, and to discover innovation and celebration. They are open to all people as a non-denominational, cross-cultural blueprint for well-being. The practice of labyrinth walking integrates the body with the mind and the mind with the spirit. They can be found in medical centers, parks, churches, schools, prisons, memorial parks, spas, cathedrals and retreat centers as well as in people's backyards.

Bring water and a cushion or yoga mat or blanket if you want to be on the side and relax during the sound meditation. Anti Mosquito spray (preferably natural) is probably a good idea!

Info: Mati Vargas-Gibson at [email protected] or Denae Richards at

Event Location: 
Richland College
12800 Abrams
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Sunday, September 27, 2015 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm