Presentation by BNPAT member and certified bug lover Eric Becker. Eric graduated from the University of Kansas in 2016 with a degree in organismal biology. He grew up in a farming family in KS and has been interacting with prairie ecosystems from a young age. After graduating Eric worked two seasons for US Department of Agriculture in Montana, where he studied crop infestation species and collected data on their interactions. He now lives in North Texas where he works as a Flora Field Ecologist for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). 

Eric became a member of Blackland NPAT in 2023 as is very active in prairie restoration, assisting with tours, and providing leads on prairie sites for the chapter.

Hybrid meeting. Please register if you plan to attend in person. The size of the meeting room will cap at 35.

Event Location: 
Wild Birds Unlimited
5708 Abrams Road
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Saturday, July 20, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm