Cameron Barlow, Garden Program Specialist for the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, will discuss the Pollinator Pathway Project, which transformed the landscaped areas of the parking lot between BRIT and the Fort Worth Botanic Garden into a pollinators' paradise. Weather permitting, she'll lead a guided tour of the pathway.

The Pollinator Pathway Project is a GROW initiative. GROW, launched in February of this year, is an innovative partnership between BRIT and the Fort Worth Botanic Garden that combines the education and volunteer efforts of the two organizations.

The plants in the Pollinator Pathway were donated and planted by volunteers from several organizations, including the Native Plant Society of Texas, North Central Chapter.

Info: Vicki Gleason, [email protected], 432-770-4694

Event Location: 
Fort Worth Botanic Garden
3220 Botanic Garden Blvd
Ft Worth , TX
Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 7:00pm