Ever wonder what some of those commonly used horticultural terms really mean? Or witnessed an internet argument where you’re pretty sure people aren’t all defining a plant word the same way? This talk by Carol Clark seeks to demystify some of the words that get used, and used poorly. Understanding the meaning of horticultural terms can also affect your plant choices and inform your plant wish list. We’ll use familiar examples to illustrate the concepts.

Hybrid meeting.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83725236133?pwd=MnRoZlRWMEd4ZENkaXdjalpkRFFIdz09

6:30 p.m. Social
7 p.m. Meeting start (Zoom start)

Native plant seeds will be available for purchase, benefitting the Native Plant Society of Texas. Please bring cash or check.

After the meeting, join us at Gabriela & Sofia's Tex-Mex for dinner and/or drinks. 10455 N Central Expressway, Suite #117, Dallas, TX 75230

Info: [email protected]

Event Location: 
Gaston Christian Center
8515 Greenville Ave
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Monday, August 19, 2024 - 6:30pm