Book of the Month: Encounters with the Archdruid by John McPhee.

From Wikipedia - "Encounters is split into three parts, each covering environmentalist David Brower's confrontations with his ideological enemies. The book chronicles his struggles against miners, developers and finally the United States Bureau of Reclamation. McPhee blends traditional journalism — the reporting of facts and accounting of events, with thematic elements more common to fiction."

Come to the meeting whether you have read the book and/or article or not. At this meeting we will also discuss the next environmental/nature book or article we want to read.

Note the new location: This is a very nice meeting room and we are allowed to have food and beverages (no alcohol).

Info: Terry McIntire at [email protected]

Event Location: 
George W. Hawkes Downtown Library
100 S Center Street Tomorrow Foundation Board Room
Arlington , TX
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 6:30pm