Subject: Hybridization between Golden-winged Warblers & Blue-Winged Warblers
Featured speaker: Dr. Laurel Moulton, City of Austin Biologist
Synopsis: Dr. Laurel Moulton will discuss her research on one of the only Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) populations that remains geographically separated from Blue-winged Warblers (Vermivora cyanoptera) and the challenges faced by this population. She will also discuss the impacts of human-caused secondary contact and hybridization between closely related species and the consequences to biodiversity. Dr. Laurel Moulton is a native Austinite who recently earned her PhD at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada with research that focused on behavioral ecology, landscape ecology, and the conservation of threatened avian species. She has also received degrees from North Dakota State University and the University of Texas, Austin. She currently works for the City of Austin as a biologist focusing on Golden-cheeked Warbler research.