Hold On to Your Hats Eco Amigos....
The year is going to start off with a bang.....including a new environmental hazard which is imminently threatening our backyard (you have to come to find out about it).
Catch the scoop of what it is and how fast it is coming by joining me at Picasso's off Forest and Inwood (across from Jesuit's soccer fields) in Dallas this Thursday night at 6:30.
Smitty and I will be hot off an DMNews ed board meeting to expose this new threat to DFW's water and air quality....and we need your help.
When you get there, we'll also let you know what is going on with the Keystone Pipeline (it's still not over despite the President's decision), gas drilling, the Exide plant, and more.
Thanks and PLEASE forward to friends/places that can announce this meeting.
Rita Beving, Public Citizen organizer & Sierra Club member
Event Location:
12300 Inwood Rd # 116
, TX
See map: Google Maps
Date and Time:
Thursday, February 2, 2012 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm