State Representative Lon Burnam and Downwinders at Risk are hosting a brainstorming session regarding the region's newest anti-smog plan.

A recently publicized UNT graduate student study shows why this anti-smog plan is the largest regional fracking fight that no one is fighting right now. It's also the best chance to get more action on coal plants and cement kilns, public transit, energy efficiency, renewables, etc. For the next year and a half we have a chance to wage a truly regional clean air fight that could benefit a lot of different causes and campaigns and unify our energy. But we need your help to pull it off.

Join Rep. Burnam, members of Downwinders, the Sierra Club and other local air quality activists as we do some short-term and long-term planning to make sure we get as much out of this anti-smog effort as we can.

If you can't attend on the 6th, come to NCTCOG's Air Quality meeting April 17 at 10 a.m.

Info: Jim Schermbeck at [email protected].

Event Location: 
Texas Campaign for the Environment
3303 Lee Parkway #402
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Sunday, April 6, 2014 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm