Monthly gathering of DFW environmental groups and activists to share information on local issues.
Topics to be discusssed:
A) Sat., July 28 -Learn about electric bus field trip
B) Wed., Aug. 1 - Want to know what Dallas Resiliency Plan is about and some of the environmental projects within in? Come to this briefing.
C) Wed., Aug. 14 - Council Vote on the Resiliency Plan.
D) Your Announcements/Political Happenings - Susan Cooper and others are welcome to make them for your favorite candidate.
E) A Climate Plan for Dallas? Come and learn more.
F) Eminent Domain and the Pipeline Epidemic in Texas - Rita is already getting ready for the 2019 session.
G) What else? Bring your agenda topics.
Info: Rita Beving, 214-557-2271 or [email protected].
Event Location:
Picasso’s Pizza
12300 Inwood Rd, #116
, TX
See map: Google Maps
Date and Time:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 6:30pm