Clean Air Action Day
July 7, 2011 | 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
CentrePort/DFW Airport Station
TRE East/West Fare Zone Divider
14470 Statler Blvd., Fort Worth 76155
(southeast of Trinity Blvd. and Hwy. 360)

BBQ Lunch and Alternative Fuels Expo
•Alternative fuel vehicles on display
•Ride and drive available to attendees
Panel Discussion
Including representatives from:
•National Biodiesel Board
•Propane Education Research Council
•Public Utility Commission of Texas
•Renewable Fuels Association

Limited Seating. RSVP required.
For more information contact:
Pamela Burns
[email protected]
Jenna Cohen
[email protected]

Event Location: 
CentrePort/DFW Airport Station
14470 Statler Blvd
76155 Fort Worth , TX
Date and Time: 
Thursday, July 7, 2011 - 11:00am to 1:00pm