The sale features a large variety of plant species grown at the Greenhouse by Wildscape volunteers, including: ground covers, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees. Many species of grasses are provided by Blue Stem Nursery. $2.50, $4, $7, $15 and up. Proceeds benefit the wildscape.

Learn the basics and benefits of rainwater har­vesting and reduce the effect your stormwater has on the environment. Participants will learn how to collect and utilize rainwater at home. This class is hands on “DIY” where each participant will build and take home a 55-gallon rain barrel at $50 dollars each. Rain barrels are recycled food-grade containers and are roughly 24” wide by 36” tall.

Learn from well-known local experts on topics such as pollinators of North Central Texas, potted plants, Texas trees and more. Attendees can question a panel of experts about gardening issues during the Ask the Experts session. A conservation garden tour will follow at 1 p.m.


Come early to select from more than 120 species of organically grown native plants, including ground covers, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees – most below nursery prices. Many hard-to-find species. More info on website link.

Info: Vicki Gleason, [email protected] or 432-770-4694

Tour water-saving gardens of Dallasites in this annual self-guided tour.


Lynde Dodd presents Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration in an Urban Environment - The Dallas Floodway Exttension. This presentation will cover the challenges to flood protection and ecosystem restoration in north Texas and discuss some of the aspects of the project related to invasive species and vegetating constructed wetlands along the Trinity River. 

Info: Cathy Lustgarten, [email protected]

Time: Cleanup 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and After Party 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

T-shirt cutoff date: Aug. 29

Online Registration cutoff date: Sept. 12

After party info:

·       11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Panther Island Pavilion

·       Wristbands will be distributed at the cleanup location sites for access to the after party

Early packet pickup info:

·       Sept. 13-14, 8 a.m. to 5:30 pm at Glazer Building

Info:  [email protected]



Indoor and outdoor usage

Tips on saving water

How to look on your bill for water consumption

Looking for irrigation leaks

