This month we will be repairing our mulch trails, weeding our wildflower bed and grooming our Butterfly Garden. We'll also be picking up litter and trimming our trails.

Please bring your favorite gardening tools, work gloves, or litter picker upper.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and for working in a natural area 

(long pants, long sleeves, sturdy shoes, hat).

Water and snacks will be available.

O.S. Gray Natural Area has no restroom facilities, but Kroger is nearby.

Info: [email protected]

Guest Speaker Lance Tahmahkera, descendant of Quanah Parker.

Volunteers help clean up Trinity River. See website for locations. After party from 11 am - 1pm at Panther Island Pavilion, 395 Purcey St, Fort Worth.


Dallas Interfaith Power & Light presents the Dallas Premiere of The Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community.

The 56-minute film accepts the consensus of scientists that climate change has already arrived, and asks—what is keeping us from action? In discussions with thought leaders and activists, The Wisdom to Survive explores how unlimited growth lies behind climate disruption and is devastating our planet’s life support system, our social fabric and the lives of billions of people. 

The film features Bill McKibben (, Buddhist author Joanna Macy, whale scientist Roger Payne, Herschelle Milford (Surplus People Project), Quincy Saul (Ecosocialist Horizons) and more. They provide insights, answers and hope. What becomes clear is, we already have the tools we need to change our economy and lifestyle. Our attention must focus on taking action and building community.

Discussion follows with co-director John Ankele, Texas Audubon conservation biologist Dr. Tania Homayoun and Yaira Robinson of Texas Interfaith Power & Light. Anna Clark of EarthPeople will moderate. A reception follows.

We need volunteers to come out and help us cleanup our community at newly purchased city property!

Litter is a big problem. Not only is it an unsightly mess, but it actually harms plants and wildlife!

Trash bags, drinks, gloves, safety vests and giveaways will be provided. Officers will be on location to maintain a safe environment.

There will be something for people of all ages to help with. Participants under 15 years of age will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Pants, long sleeve shirts, and CLOSED TOED shoes are strongly recommended!

Hot dog cookout after the cleanup at the site.

To pre-register, visit:
Info: Howard Redfearn (817)276-4240 or [email protected]


The popular Arlington nature center presents nature walks, camping classes, story times and crafts at the River Legacy Living Science Center.

Participate in restoration and management activities at this rare blackland prairie remnant. We’ll multi-task with a boundary walk, litter pickup and watching for spring wildflowers.  Photo and birding opportunities too. 

What & why a boundary walk? Since we have battled with invasive trees and shrubs on the west side of the preserve for over 10 years, but the east, more impacted side of the site has remained mostly untouched. As a major step in managing the entire site for restoration, a mowed perimeter has been suggested to allow better access for walking and equipment (if needed) and easier management of wind-dispersed invasive plants. As part of our March Stewardship Day, we’ll walk the preserve’s boundaries and assess what’s needed to establish a perimeter. 

Please wear sturdy shoes or boots and long pants. Weather forecast includes precipitation, so an RSVP is appreciated in case of cancellation due to weather, etc.  

Information, directions, to RSVP: [email protected].

Guest speaker: Lori De La Cruz, sustainability coordinator at Mountain View College in Dallas. $25/nonmembers, $20/members.

We will be clearing the trail of tree limbs and removing selected privet (Ligustrum sp.)

NOTE:  Activity involves hiking about two miles into the bottomland forest. Wear sturdy shoes and long pants. Bring water and use sunscreen protection. Bring hand pruners and loppers if you have any.

Meet at Trailhead, 7000 Bexar Street, Dallas, 75215 (automobile GPS use 6911 Bexar). For detailed directions:
