Help volunteers from the Native Prairies Association of Texas' Fort Worth chapter salvage native wildflowers and grasses on a lot, behind the Hulen Home Depot, being developed for a new Tanglewood elementary school. Take some back your own gardens!

Times for the rescue are:

Friday, May 17th: 5:30-dusk

Sat, May 18th (weather permitting) 2pm-5pm.
Sunday, May 19th 2 pm-5pm.


There are a total of 629 common bugs and Insects found in Texas in the Insect Identification database. Master Naturalist Judy Meagher will present a 1-hour PowerPoint about insects and then a 1-hour tour through the Nature Park pointing out the valuable contribution of nature's bugs. 

Free. Registration required.

The North Texas Water Garden Society pond tour features 40 ponds across DFW. Go to to purchase a tour guide for $20, which entitles a whole carload of people to tour for the weekend, June 8-9, Saturday from 9  a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Monarch Waystations for North Texas covers the monarch butterfly lifecycle and migration, clarifies some common misconceptions about monarchs, explains historic and current threats to monarch populations and why Texas is a pivotal location for monarchs’ future success. The program also covers real steps North Texas residents can take to help bolster the monarch population, and what to plant to feed monarchs. Free packets of local native milkweed seeds, and plant lists for North Texas will be available. This class will be taught by Carol Clark.

Dallas Water Conservation is collaborating with Texas AgriLife Extension to offer classes to create a water efficient landscape that can also be pollinator friendly and provide food for you and your family. This is the second of five free classes. Each class is independent and do not need to be taken together.

The Fort Worth Cactus and Succulent Society's annual Spring Show and Sale. There will be thousands of plants for sale from numerous vendors. There will be rare and unusual cacti and succulents, cold hardy cacti and succulents, native cacti and succulents and more.

Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Cameron Barlow, Garden Program Specialist for the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, will discuss the Pollinator Pathway Project, which transformed the landscaped areas of the parking lot between BRIT and the Fort Worth Botanic Garden into a pollinators' paradise. Weather permitting, she'll lead a guided tour of the pathway.

The Pollinator Pathway Project is a GROW initiative. GROW, launched in February of this year, is an innovative partnership between BRIT and the Fort Worth Botanic Garden that combines the education and volunteer efforts of the two organizations.

Program by Lynda Harvey. Design principles can be applied to yard art to achieve harmony between living plants and accent pieces. Color, shape, materials and size are important variables. Well-selected yard art can accentuate focal points or add whimsy in just the right spot.

Info: Cathy Lustgarten, [email protected]

Kelly Crawford’s Prairie Field Trip


From Dallas take 635 to I20 to FM 740 (Forney)

Go south (right) on FM 740 to FM 2757 (immediately past service road)

Take a left on 2757

Then go to Kelly Rd, which will be the first road on the right (about 1.6 miles down on FM 2757).

On Kelly rd, Go 6/10 of a mile (((((measure 6/10 or you will miss it)))))

and take a left on a no name road.

There will be a land for sale sign, and then a no trespassing sign.

This road goes straight into my gates in the right.

Find native plants, roses, herbs, and of course, passalong plants from our Denton County Master Gardener Association Gardeners. Bring a wagon to help you collect your purchases. Lots of friendly DCMGA gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening and plant questions.
