An environmental group or organization

A full day of skills and information workshops aimed at making you a better activist.

Workshops include:

Fighting Permits in Texas

Petitioning Rights

Basic Door-to-Door Outreach

High Tech Tools for Citizens

Health Survey Dos and Don’ts


Researchers from UTA and UTD, plus more time with Melissa Mays and Nayyirah Shariff from Flint and more.

SPECIAL LUNCHTIME FORUM: How do local governments protect themselves in the Trump Era? 

Part of Downwinders at Risk's Root and Branch Revue, the evening features panel discussion with Flint activists and Melissa May and Nayyirah Shariff and DFW activists, moderated by Randy Lee Loftis, reporter Texas Climate News, and former environmental reporter with the Dallas Morning News. Free.

The Root and Branch Revue, Downwinders at Risk’s multi-day floating conference for green activists, is scheduled for Jan. 24-28 and includes the first trip to Texas of two of the Flint, Michigan women who blew the top off that town’s lead-contaminated drinking water scandal. 

Jan. 24, 7-9 pm: Film Screening & Discussion "When is Civil Disobedience Effective?" Angelika Theater at @ Mockingbird Station, 5321 E Mockingbird, Dallas. Free.

Featured speaker on environmental topics every month. Topic TBA. 

Carol Clark will cover the amazing story of the monarch butterfly lifecycle and migration, clarify some common misconceptions about monarchs, explain historic and current threats to monarch populations, and tell why Texas is a pivotal location for monarchs' future success.  The program also covers real steps North Texas residents can take to help bolster the monarch population, and what to plant to feed monarchs. Free packets of local native milkweed seeds and plant lists for North Texas will be available.

Info: Gina Pyon, [email protected] or 956.240.5542 

Program TBA.

Bring a snack or dessert to share if you’d like. Drinks, cups, plates, utensils, etc. will be provided.  We will have a raffle. Sierra Club merchandise will be for sale. So come join in the fun!  Even if you have never attended a Sierra Club event, that’s okay. Come anyway!  We will be happy to answer questions about the club and our activities. We will also be electing new ExCom members.

John Hall will speak about Texas' rapid transition to a clean energy economy and the significant economic benefits and water savings that would flow from this shift. John is the Environmental Defense Fund's Texas State Director for Clean Energy. He previously served as the executive director for The Texas Environmental Research Consortium in Houston; chairman at The Texas Water Commission and The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (predecessor agencies to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality); project manager and facilitator at The Port of Houston Authority; and as depu

Texas Campaign for the Environment’s North Texas office is celebrating the end of election season and its own progress in advancing recycling and sustainability at a house party.

Texas Campaign for the Environment started with a vision of reducing waste and pollution back in 1991 with offices in Dallas and Houston. That year, the group’s community organizers generated 70,000 petition signatures in Dallas, and 20,000 signatures in Arlington that helped convince the cities to start curbside recycling programs.
