
All Day Two Day Festival
APRIL 21-22


Earth Day Dallas features two days of engaging exhibits, compelling speakers, music, entertainment, food and fun for everyone. Join us April 21-22, 2012 in Fair Park to see how you can make a difference.
Mission:  Learn. Grow.

Celebrate Earth Day at this fun festival with exhibits, speakers, films, music, food & more focused on making a positive impact on our environment.

The heart of the festival is the Eco Expo, and exhibitors will use their presence to promote their achievements as green leaders, and teach attendees how to take environmentally responsible action by better utilizing available resources, switching to eco-friendly products, or joining their organizations.

In addition to the Eco Expo, attendees will have a number of educational entertainment options, which will include:

Monthly gathering of DFW environmental groups and activists to share information on local issues.

Topics to be discusssed:

A) Sat., July 28 -Learn about electric bus field trip 

B) Wed., Aug. 1 - Want to know what Dallas Resiliency Plan is about and some of the environmental projects within in?  Come to this briefing.

C) Wed., Aug. 14 - Council Vote on the Resiliency Plan.

D) Your Announcements/Political Happenings - Susan Cooper and others are welcome to make them for your favorite candidate.

E) A Climate Plan for Dallas?  Come and learn more.

Presenter: Scott Bolin, VP of Sales, JEC Energy Savings

Scott will bring a demonstration LED lighting system for display at the meeting.


Georgeann Moss, executive director of sustainability outreach initiatives for the Dallas County Community College District, will speak about education’s role in sustainability, what DCCCD is currently working on and their plans for the future. 

$35/nonmembers. $25/members. Includes lunch.

Join WE

The purpose of this symposium is to educate and bring awareness to the impacts of climate change in North Texas and discuss how we, as North Texans, can address and mitigate those impacts. Speakers include Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, who will be giving the Introduction, State Climatologist Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon who will be sharing his knowledge on climate change impacts and solutions in the keynote address, and a variety of panelists to cover topics such as Resilience/Urban Planning/ Infrastructure, Climate and Environmental Justice, and Climate Change and the Local Economy.

What is a Regional Center of Expertise? In 2003, the United Nations University’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) launched its ESD project. This program designs and implements research and development activities through a multi-stakeholder global network of Regional Centers of Expertise (RCEs). RCEs prepare local leaders of tomorrow with the tools and information they need to make smart and sustainable choices for the future.

RSVP by Feb.22: Robyn Cain at [email protected] 

Do you want to be able to plan an event, create a campaign, or build an organization? How about learn how to work with volunteers, and the goals, strategies and tactics needed for effective community organizing?

Come to this Activist Training Workshop to learn principles and tips on how to take action on the issues your community cares about.


Free movie viewing of "AWAKE" a film about Standing Rock, followed by a panel discussion and reception.

Many of the organizations and individuals who have fought people's right to clean water are based in Texas and similar fights are currently occuring all over the globe, in our country and state. Please come witness the fight that has linked environmentalists and human rights activists together and what it means for us all.


This fast paced original musical explores taking care of our planet and the leaders who have pioneered systems to help take care of our forever home, Earth. $15-$50.


"Green" is more than just a color in this panel featuring local experts discussing sustainability, local food sources, and environmental advocacy.

Guests include Chef Marcus Paslay (owner of Clay Pigeon Food and Drink and Piatello), Reid Wittliff (advisory board member at The Nature Conservancy in Texas and President of the Blanco Valley Wildlife Management Association); Becca Knutson (from the Tarrant County Food Policy Council and Community Garden Coordinator for the Tarrant Area Food Bank); and Rachel Richter (Urban Wildlife Biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife).
