Oak Cliff Earth Day 2011
Sunday April 17, 2011
Noon to Five (12 - 5)
Lake Cliff Park
The registration forms are being put on the web site, so stay tuned.
The cost of the event remains the same: free for non profits; 25.00 for
businesses or for profit groups; 30.00 for food vendors.
If you have attended OCED in the past you should be pre approved, all new
vendors must complete a simple pre approval form before you can register.
Roger Bolen, Co Chair
Oak CLiff Earth Day, 2011 <> 

(Awakening the Dreamer) --
Dr. Lawrence Cottle, a local chiropractor, committed environmentalist, and new Sierra Club member, is a trained volunteer facilitator for the Symposium “Awakening the Dreamer,” and will give an informative overview of this dramatic and uplifting program, along with an accompanying six-minute film. He notes that this unique presentation’s purpose is “…to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet as the guiding principle of our time.” The Symposium is thus a program designed to put the participant in a state of “blessed unrest,” to awaken him or her from the dream of the Modern World, and to take action to help improve our global environmental predicament. Through the Symposium experience it is hoped that you will learn how to become more motivated and inspired to make a real difference in recreating a better world, starting in 2011. Here is a link to the Web site:

(Renewable Energy) --
Dan Lepinski will talk about solar electricity, solar hot water, and wind power.

TALK about NETMETERING and CLEAN ENERGY at the Trinity River Audubon Center.  This meeting will be co-hosted by the North Texas Renewable Energy Group and the Texas Solar Energy Society with speaker David Powers, deputy director of Public Citizen speaking.  All are welcome to come to this first meeting of the year. There will door prizes and desserts.

Meet/greet at 1 pm. Announcements and speaker to follow.  This meeting is also supported by Green Source DFW, an exciting new website for one stop environmental news and resources, soon to launch in January of 2011.

Hearing to allow radioactive waste shipments from around the country into Texas scheduled November 13th The Compact Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission TLLRWDCC will meet in Midland, Texas a week from Saturday (November 13th) to consider adopting a rule that would allow for export of low-level radioactive waste for management and disposal from facilities outside of the Texas Compact, this will be followed by a host of generator petitions to ship low-level radioactive waste to Texas facilities.  For those that have been following our blogs on this, that means to the Waste
