The sale features a large variety of plant species grown at the Greenhouse by Wildscape volunteers, including: ground covers, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees. Many species of grasses are provided by Blue Stem Nursery. $2.50, $4, $7, $15 and up. Proceeds benefit the wildscape.

Learn from well-known local experts on topics such as pollinators of North Central Texas, potted plants, Texas trees and more. Attendees can question a panel of experts about gardening issues during the Ask the Experts session. A conservation garden tour will follow at 1 p.m.


The director of horticulture at Texas Discovery Gardens will provide updates on Harry Moss Park, and if times permits, Crawford Park.

Brett Johnson, urban biologist for Dallas Parks and Recreation, will provide updates on White Rock Lake Prairie Remmants Management.



Owners of the Ebel Grassland Ranch in Sulphur Bluff, Texas, will speak about their conservation methods.

Taylor Quedensley, PhD, research botanist at BRIT will speak on “Developing a Lichen Research Program at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.”

The herbarium at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas houses approximately 1.5 million botanic specimens. Recently, BRIT has added to its collection of lichen specimens, not only from Texas, but from other parts of the world as well.

Topics to be discussed include lichen biology, the distribution of lichens in Texas,and projects involving the collection and acquisition of lichen specimens through research at BRIT.

Come early to select from more than 120 species of organically grown native plants, including ground covers, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees – most below nursery prices. Many hard-to-find species. More info on website link.

Info: Vicki Gleason, [email protected] or 432-770-4694

Gloves, trash bags, bug spray and extra sunscreen will be available. Bring water.

Lynde Dodd presents Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration in an Urban Environment - The Dallas Floodway Exttension. This presentation will cover the challenges to flood protection and ecosystem restoration in north Texas and discuss some of the aspects of the project related to invasive species and vegetating constructed wetlands along the Trinity River. 

Info: Cathy Lustgarten, [email protected]

Presenter Pat Merkord, NPAT board member
