Citizen's Climate Lobby (CCL) is a non-profit nonpartisan organization working on creating the political will for a livable world. CCL's mission is to empower normal citizens, who care about their world, to engage in conversations with their elected officials.

On June 24, five members of the DFW chapter went to Capital Hill in DC and met with Texan congressmen. If you care about the environment and want to get involved in getting an effective climate change policy created, come meet us. 

This month, we are meeting to listen to the monthly national call. This month the speaker is Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.), former NATO Supreme Allied Commander. The call starts at noon. 

Info: Shawn Reeder at [email protected]

Monthly gathering of DFW environmental groups and activists. Items to be discussed.

1)  Denton and the Fracking ban – Learn the blow by blow of Denton City Council that night.  Find out what other cities in Texas are thinking about the same thing.

2)  ALEC what happened around this Koch-funded group coming to town

3)  Dallas Green Alliance update

4)  Earth, Wind & Fire Summit – New speakers, the excitement builds. The site is up and running. Register via PAYPAL now!!

5) Your announcements

We are hoping folks from Clean Water Action may also join us to tell us what they are working on.

Info: Rita Beving, Dallas Sierra Club, 214-557-2271 or [email protected].

Citizen's Climate Lobby is a nonprofit nonpartisan organization working on creating the political will for a livable world. CCL's mission is to empower normal citizens, who care about their world, to engage in conversations with their elected officials.

On June 24, five of us from the DFW chapter went to Capitol Hill and met with Texas congress members. 

If you care about the environment and want to get involved in getting an effective climate change policy created, come meet us.

This month, we are meeting to listen to the monthly national call. This month the speaker is Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a well-known climate scientist who was featured in the TV series "Years of Living Dangerously." The call starts at noon. 

Info: Shawn Reeder at [email protected]

or Swetha Kannan at [email protected]

Be a part of an event that has been helping drive the market for renewable energy, organic/sustainable gardening and farming, green/sustainable building and living and alternative transportation since the turn of the century.

"Vision North Texas 2050: How Local Communities and Businesses Can Position North Texas for a Fiscally and Environmentally Sustainable Future."
Presentor Kevin Shepherd is a principal and co-founder of Verdunity, Inc., a Dallas-Fort Worth-based consulting firm specializing in planning and design of sustainable communities and infrastructure.  

Shepherd will present he results and findings of the multi-year planning and visioning effort that culminated in the release of the award-winning Vision North Texas 2050 Plan. He will also discuss current global and national trends, highlight a few projects from North Texas that are incorporating new approaches and offer some suggestions on how cities can position themselves to stay competitive in recruiting and retaining businesses and residents.

This is a monthly gathering of environmentalists in DFW, formerly known as the Clean Air Meetup.

Smitty from Public Citizen will be coming from Austin for the meeting.

Here are some of the agenda items to be covered:

• Fracking/Earthquakes
- Hear about the town hall meeting that happened in Reno/Azle with KERA
• Proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir
- What's new with the Texas Water Dev. Board's recommendation
• Air/Upcoming Air Plan
- What happened at the last NTCOG meeting and going forward
• Event Reports
- The Monsanto March report and Exxon Mobil Shareholders' meeting
• Announcements
- Park City Democrat Club to host former EPA head Dr. Al Armendariz July 5
- Upcoming Climate Rally
• Pipelines
- 65-year old Pegasus pipeline to restart?
• FABULOUS Energy Conference
- More details/sign up

Dr. Armendariz is a former SMU professor and EPA administrator and currently with the Sierra Club, as senior campaign representative for the Beyond Coal Campaign. Info: [email protected].


The DFW Clean Air Network (Downwinders at Risk, Texas Campaign for the Environment, State Rep Lon Burnham and others) has been invited to present their plan on how to get to cleaner air in North Texas.

Bring your questions and comments to the meeting to build a new clean air plan for the 10-county North Texas area.

Info: [email protected].

Learn where our current sources of energy stand and what our energy future looks like in the U.S.  Find out more about the pros and cons of those sources and what concerns that they pose to our air, water and the environment. Experts and academics from around the country and state will speak. 

Topics include: 

Geothermal, wind, solar, coal, natural gas, oil & tar sands, nuclear. 

Info: Rita Beving, [email protected].

 Renewable energy sources or RES capture their energy from existing flows of energy; from on-going natural processes, such as sunshine, wind, wave power, flowing water (hydropower); biological processes such as anaerobic digestion; and geothermal heat flow.

The most common definition is that renewable energy is from an energy resource that is replaced by a natural process at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which that resource is being consumed. Renewable energy is a sub-set of sustainable energy.

This class will help students understand renewable energy, with an emphasis on solar and wind, as it relates to the residential sector and will provide resources for further exploration. Free. Info: 972- 742-2296.
