From Downwinders at Risk:
Rick Perry is leaving DFW breathers with a final farewell gift - another lousy anti-smog plan. We need you to speak out for a better one on January 15th.
After decades of being out of compliance with the Clean Air Act, this is your only chance to tell the state of Texas that DFW needs a better approach to reducing smog in DFW than the "do nothing" plan it's sending to the EPA.
The state's plan doesn't require new pollution controls on ANY major sources of DFW air pollution.
No new controls for the Midlothian cement plants. Even though one of the plants is installing advanced smog controls on its own, TCEQ isn't requiring them on all three cement plants.
No new controls for the oil and gas industry. Even though we know this pollution is the reason clean air progress has stalled in DFW over the past five years.
No new controls for East Texas coal plants. Even though we know they impact DFW air quality.