Fort Worth Prairie Fest is the annual fundraiser for Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area. Learn more about how funds are plowed back into Tandy Hills HERE.

Prairie Fest grew from a small neighborhood event in 2006 to become the “Best Outdoor Cultural Event in 2010”, according to the Fort Worth Weekly. By 2011, Prairie Fest had attracted hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors to Tandy Hills.

For 2012, Prairie Fest has been re-imagined and re-focused back to discovery and enjoyment of Tandy Hills, itself. Instead of a single event, there will be three festivals throughout the Spring on the last Saturdays of March, April and May. Event hours will be from 4 PM - Dusk.

Learn how to be Water-Wise to endure the drought!

1st annual conference on soil and water issues in North Central Texas

This is a gathering of like-minded amateur and professional gardeners for the purpose of
demonstrating practical solutions toward reducing water use and improving soil health.

Featured Speakers: 

Sabino Cortez of Erath Earth
Using Organic Compost to Heal Soil and Water Less

Bruce Blevins of Preservation Tree Service
Intelligent Irrigation in a Hydro-Illogical World

Tom Motley, North Texas Gardens
Organic, Drought Surviving Herbs and Produce in Raised Bed Gardens

Harold Spiegel, Preservation Tree Service
Native and Adaptive Tree Species-Water Savvy Choices,
General Tree Care and Effective Watering of Trees

Dedicated time for your questions.

Come out and visit the many vendors participating for more water wise solutions!


Who: Dallas County Community College District 
What: 2012 Sustainability Summit
When: Thursday, April 5 from 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Where: Eastfield College, 3737 Motley Drive, Mesquite, Texas 75150

Hold On to Your Hats Eco Amigos....

The year is going to start off with a bang.....including a new environmental hazard which is imminently threatening our backyard (you have to come to find out about it).

Catch the scoop of what it is and how fast it is coming by joining me at Picasso's off Forest and Inwood (across from Jesuit's soccer fields) in Dallas this Thursday night at 6:30.

Smitty and I will be hot off an DMNews ed board meeting to expose this new threat to DFW's water and air quality....and we need your help.

When you get there, we'll also let you know what is going on with the Keystone Pipeline (it's still not over despite the President's decision), gas drilling, the Exide plant, and more.

Thanks and PLEASE forward to friends/places that can announce this meeting.

Rita Beving, Public Citizen organizer & Sierra Club member

Join the Noble Planetarium staff and members of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for free monthly Star Parties. You’ll find plenty of telescopes for viewing and even more astronomy buffs to help you navigate your way through the skies. Star Parties are held once a month held in front of the Museum, on Gendy Street. The party begins at dusk, weather permitting, and lasts until approximately 10:30 p.m. Best of all, it’s FREE! Note, parking is available in the lot south of Harley Street.

Dates for 2012 star parties:

  • March 3

  • April 14

  • May 12

  • June 9

  • July 7

  • August 11

  • September  8

  • October 6     "Stars over Euless"

  • November 10

Dallas Sierra Club General Meeting Tuesday, January 10

We have two great programs for you at our January General Meeting.  Our first program is a short presentation about the controversial subject of climate engineering.  Our main program will look at native plants of North Texas.

Climate Engineering
Geoengineering, also called climate engineering, is the term used to describe activities designed to intentionally alter the earth's natural environment to counteract the effects of climate change.  Almost everyone agrees that use of geoengineering methods would be very risky and quite likely to have significant unintended consequences.  Should research be undertaken?  Is geoengineering the Plan B in the event that current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are unsuccessful?  Sierra Club member Paul Heller will discuss this controversial subject.  Paul Heller was trained as an electrical engineer at Purdue with an MBA from Wharton.

Native Plants of North Texas

Flyer from Raymond Crawford

at Dallas City Hall, Auditorium L1F
next to the underground parking garage
1500 Marilla Street
Thursday, October 27th @ 6 pm

Dallas City Hall wants to know how you feel about gas drilling.

The Dallas Gas Drilling Task Force is preparing new recommendations in order to deliver to the Dallas City Council. They want to hear of you concerns. What do you want in the new gas ordinance? Here are a few suggestions you may want to request that the city consider:

Presented by

Matt Churches

City Forester - City of Arlington,

Certified Arborist/Utility Specialist/Municipal Specialist

Urban Forestry Effect, known as UFORE evolved from a recent study and refers to a computer model

that calculates
the structure, environmental effects and values of urban forests.

The UFORE model was developed in the late 1990s by researchers at

the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service,

Northeastern Research Station in Syracuse, NY.

Do you want to have a fabulous garden that is easy to maintain and easy
on the wallet? Diana Harris, TCLP, Dallas County Master Gardener, will
show you the features to include that make a great garden. She will
show you how to incorporate interesting perennials, flowering shrubs
and edibles that are beautiful throughout the year; how to invite
wildlife to your garden and how to select plants that are easy to
maintain. Come find out how to create a beautiful and unique landscape
using all types of plants that work well together in the garden and
won’t break the bank! $25 or $22.50 for Members

We are your warm, friendly and inclusive catalysts for the Dallas eco-community. Let
us help you plug into the local social network of eco-conscious folks.
Everything is Bigger in Texas - our hospitality included.

Watch the 30-second video of our recent gathering. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth a million!!! Our 2010 Holiday Party.

