Join the Noble Planetarium staff and members of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for free monthly Star Parties. You’ll find plenty of telescopes for viewing and even more astronomy buffs to help you navigate your way through the skies. Star Parties are held once a month held in front of the Museum, on Gendy Street. The party begins at dusk, weather permitting, and lasts until approximately 10:30 p.m. Best of all, it’s FREE! Note, parking is available in the lot south of Harley Street.

Dates for 2012 star parties:

  • September  22

  • October 6     "Stars over Euless"

  • November 17

*To be held in the Museum Lot, directly south of the Museum (corner of Harley and Montgomery)


Join the Noble Planetarium staff and members of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for free monthly Star Parties. You’ll find plenty of telescopes for viewing and even more astronomy buffs to help you navigate your way through the skies. Star Parties are held once a month held in front of the Museum, on Gendy Street. The party begins at dusk, weather permitting, and lasts until approximately 10:30 p.m. Best of all, it’s FREE! Note, parking is available in the lot south of Harley Street.

Dates for 2012 star parties:

  • August 25

  • September  22

  • October 6     "Stars over Euless"

  • November 17

*To be held in the Museum Lot, directly south of the Museum (corner of Harley and Montgomery)

Please mark you calendar for the next clean air meet up on Thursday, June 21st at Picassos in Dallas, at 12300 Inwood Road, off Inwood and Forest.  Start-up is 6:30 pm.

We will get caught up on tar sands pipelines, the Exide victory, what's next for Winfrey Point, and  more.

In the meantime, check out this KERA story which aired last Monday re: the Keystone XL pipeline,

Gas Drilling Town Hall – This Thursday June 14 at 6:30 PM
Councilman Scott Griggs will be hosting a Town Hall to discuss proposed Dallas Gas Drilling Ordinance,Thursday, June 14 @ 6:30 p.m. at Hampton Illinnois Library, 2951 South Hampton Road. Learn how we can protect our City and quality of life.

Learn about the factors affecting air quality, the impacts of poor air quality on a community, the link between air quality and energy sources and some ways you can make a difference. 

SAT June 9, 2012    10:00am - 12:00pm
THU Oct. 11, 2012    7:00pm - 9:00pm

To register for this event, please visit

What is the Live Green in Plano Volunteer Program? 

The Live Green in Plano Volunteer Program is a local training opportunity for volunteers to work in partnership with the staff of the Sustainability & Environmental Services Department and extend information throughout our community. Live Green Volunteers will pledge to take individual actions toward greener living and help others do the same.

Series Includes:

-   Waste Diversion / Consumerism
-   Water Quality / Indoor Conservation
-   Compost, Native Plants, Irrigation
-   Air Quality, Energy
-   Green Building
-   Getting the Word Out

Material is presented through City of Plano Environmental Education Coordinators, guest speakers, volunteers, film, tours, demonstrations and class discussion.

THU June 7, 2012    7:00pm - 9:00pm
FRI June 8, 2012    7:00pm - 9:00pm
SAT June 9, 2012    8:00am - 5:00pm

*Venus Transit Day: Since Venus orbits between the Earth and the Sun, we have the opportunity to see it transit (pass in front of the Sun) every so often.

On June 5th, we will have that opportunity. Join Nature Center staff and Fort Worth Astronomical Society members in celebrating this event. We will have activities for kids and of course, scopes set up to see Venus move across the sky with the Sun as our backdrop.

FREE (with paid admission)


Join the Noble Planetarium staff and members of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for free monthly Star Parties. You’ll find plenty of telescopes for viewing and even more astronomy buffs to help you navigate your way through the skies. Star Parties are held once a month held in front of the Museum, on Gendy Street. The party begins at dusk, weather permitting, and lasts until approximately 10:30 p.m. Best of all, it’s FREE! Note, parking is available in the lot south of Harley Street.

Dates for 2012 star parties:

  • June 23*

  • July 28

  • August 25

  • September  22

  • October 6     "Stars over Euless"

  • November 17

*To be held in the Museum Lot, directly south of the Museum (corner of Harley and Montgomery)

Join the Noble Planetarium staff and members of the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for free monthly Star Parties.

You’ll find plenty of telescopes for viewing and even more astronomy buffs to help you navigate your way through the skies.

Star Parties are held once a month held in front of the Museum, on Gendy Street.

The party begins at dusk, weather permitting, and lasts until approximately 10:30 p.m.

Best of all, it’s FREE! Note, parking is available in the lot south of Harley Street.

Irving is hosting an Eco-Movie Fest in honor of Earth Day on Saturday!

Saturday, April 21 | 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. | at two of our libraries – Central and West.

This event is FREE to the public!

Below are the movies that will be shown by location:

Central Library Movie Lineup | 801 W. Irving Blvd.

Fresh (the Video Project) 
1:30 – 2:40 p.m. | Running time: 70 minutes

“Fresh” celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, and morbid obesity. Forging healthier, sustainable alternatives, they offer a practical vision for a future of our food and our planet.Learn more about this movie.
