Jan 28 2023

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Comanche Peak License Renewal - Public Comment Deadline Jan. 30.

Jan 1 2023 - 7:00am to Jan 30 2023 - 11:45pm
Regulations.gov TX

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has received an application from Vistra Operations Company to renew the operating licenses for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Generating Station in Glen Rose, Texas. The application is now available on the NRC website.

Vistra filed the application on Oct. 3, seeking to renew the licenses for an additional 20 years of operation. Comanche Peak’s two pressurized-water reactors, about 40 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Texas, are currently licensed to operate through Feb. 8, 2030, for Unit 1 and through Feb. 2, 2033, for Unit 2.

Read more about Comanche Peak's request and community reaction on the Fort Worth Report.

Information about the license renewal process is available on the NRC website

Public comments on the Comanche Peak environmental impact review can be submitted online at regulations.gov under Docket ID: NRC-2022-0183 or by mail to the following address: 

Office of Administration 
Mailstop: TWFN-7-A60M 
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555-0001

Requests for extensions to the hearing and comment deadlines can be sent to [email protected].

Public comments are due by email or mail by Jan. 30, as are requests for public hearings. Instructions to apply for a public hearing are published on The Federal Register. 


Greenspace Dallas: Frasier Dam Social Saturday - Dallas

Jan 28 2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Frasier Dam
9300 Stemmons Fwy Turn RIGHT IMMEDIATELY after going under the highway. Look for YELLOW and BLUE parking flags.
Dallas , TX

Help clean up Frasier Dam Recreation Area and then hang afterward at Smokey John's Bar-B-Que & Home Cooking.

RSVP on website link below

Friends of Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve: Nature Journaling - Arlington

Jan 28 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve
5201 S. Bowman Springs Rd
Arlington , TX

​Meet at the preserve (follow the sidewalk to the right from the parking lot until you reach the fishing pond) to talk about writing and drawing as a way to enrich your time in nature. Everyone will then have about 45 minutes to walk within the preserve and write and draw. We will then reconvene by the fishing pond to discuss how it went.

Nature journaling is not only a way to preserve thoughts and images from a day in nature. It also is likely to make your memory of the day richer, it’s an opportunity for self-reflection while writing and drawing, and promotes mindful awareness of the present moment.

Please bring a notebook or paper and a pen and pencil (colored pencils if you would like). We recommend keeping it simple; the session should help with guidance about anything else you might want to get later. If you have one, you could bring a small camp stool (not required).

Michael Smith is a Psychological Associate, author and writer. He is a regular contributer to GreenSourceDFW.org.

Jessica Smith is an artist.