Jun 25 2022

Citizens' Climate Lobby: Climate in the Park - Dallas

Jun 25 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Lake Cliff Park
300 E. Colorado
Dallas , TX

Learn about environmental volunteering and climate advocacy.

We'll have music, refreshments, family-friendly activities, voter registration and information on volunteer opportunities

New to climate advocacy? There is no expectation of any kind that you have prior familiarity with Citizens' Climate Lobby. Nor are you signing up for anything by attending the event. This is a no-commitment, fun, informative social event that will help you find new opportunities and get involved with climate action.

Info: [email protected]

Info/RSVP on website link below.


Friends of LLELA: Moon Talk - Lewisville

Jun 25 2022 - 10:00am
Lewisville Lake Education Learning Area Lewisville , TX

Presentation: The Nature of the Moon. Presenter: Amy Martin

Known by many as the Moonlady as well as a GSDFW senior reporter, Amy Martin will share her deep knowledge of the Moon. You'll be a pro-level Moon watcher after this talk able to predict where the Moon will be at any time with some great timing tips on when moonrise happens in each phase. Understand about synchrony which creates tides and causes us to only see one side of the Moon. Discover how the Moon led to life on Earth and stabilized the planet to enable human life to evolve. 

Get insight into the Moon’s metaphoric qualities. Learn how you can live in tune with the Moon with gardening based on the lunar phases and the Moon’s orbital perigee and apogee. Find the reasons for celebration in global lunar-based holidays and significant New and Full Moons.

$5 entry fee.

Info: [email protected] 

Event Website:

Fort Worth Cowtown Amateur Radio Club: Solar-Powered Field Day - Fort Worth

Jun 25 2022 - 1:00pm to Jun 26 2022 - 1:00pm
Trinity Park
University Drive North of I-30
Fort Worth , TX

The Fort Worth Cowtown Amateur Radio Club will be participating in "Field Day", an activity that combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and a test of their technical skills — all in one event.  It's also a contest to see how many contacts they can make in a 24 hour period.  Field Day is sponsored and promoted by the "American Radio Relay League" or "ARRL" for short.  The ARRL is a national organization for ham radio operators, but they serve the international ham radio community.

Solar engineer and NTREG member Dan Lepinski will be powering the event with his solar shuttle!

Grapevine Public Library: My Garden of a Thousand Bees Free Screening - Grapevine

Jun 25 2022 - 3:00pm
Grapevine Public Library
1201 Municipal Way
Grapevine , TX

A story of surprise and revelation. A wildlife filmmaker spends his time during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown filming the bees in his urban garden and discovers the many diverse species and personalities that exist in this insect family. Movie is 54 minutes.


Event Website: