Dallas Green Drinks members listen to presenter Salah Boukadoum of Soap Hope at the Aloft Hotel in Dallas. Photo courtesy of Eduardo Hope, Jr.
Feb. 3, 2014
Those who want to mingle with other eco-friendly folks should check out the Green Drinks groups in North Texas.
Started in 1989 in London, the Green Drinks movement has spread globally with chapters in more than 600 cities around the world, including three in the DFW area.
Eduardo Hope Jr., coordinator for Green Drinks Dallas, says attendees in the Dallas group range from university-age youth to age 70-plus.
“The Dallas Green Drinks currently has a handful of active members that come to most meetings, although in our Dallas Facebook page we have over 300 participants,” says Hope.
Started in 2007 by green entrepreneur Tajana Mesic, owner of Green Grove Group Sustainability Solutions, the Dallas group was pulled together from Mesic’s diverse network.
“Some just wanted to learn how and where to recycle, others were looking to
meet thought leaders, while some were looking for jobs in the industry,” she said.
Hope adds that today, many attendees share ecological and economic interests.
“It is difficult to find a social or networking space that addresses both of those concerns,” he said.
Nasly Duarte of Seeds to Love organic jewelry makes a presentation at Dallas Green Drinks. Courtesy of Eduardo Hope Jr.
For eco-friendly newbies, Dallas’ Green Drinks meetings are open to the public, do not have a specific structure and meet monthly. Hope says it is the local orientation that really gives the group its base.
“Here in Dallas, Tajana thought it would be a great idea to meet in different locations around town in support of ecology-friendly businesses,” Hope says. “In keeping with the 'drinks' bit, restaurants and bars have been the main beneficiaries of that policy, which we continue today.”
Meanwhile, out west in Fort Worth, a few regulars from the Dallas group
decided to branch out a couple of years ago. Now, the green drinks group in Fort Worth has about 27 members ranging in age from 20 to 70
Cheryl L. Marchand, a LEED accredited interior designer, heads up the Fort Worth Green Drinks group.
Fort Worth Green Drinks folks at a recent gathering. Courtesy of Cheryl Marchand.
“There are really tons of groups out there that you can join and participate in. Some cost money others don't. There is USGBC, Sierra Club, GreenWeavers,” she said. “With Green Drinks, the focus is getting together in a relaxed and fun atmosphere and discussing what we are doing individually to protect the environment.”
Members include architects, designers, employees of the city of Fort Worth, students and artists who take part in the monthly meet ups.
“I enjoy the sustainable building process. I know others enjoy sustainable gardening and manufacturing,” Marchand adds.
It was in 2012 that the Denton Green Drinks group began when Kelley Carmichael Casey, executive director of SCRAP USA, proposed Green Drinks Denton as a way to have monthly meetings with the reuse sector as well as other environmentally-minded community members in Denton and North Texas.
Alana Presley, speaking on behalf of Green Drinks Denton and who is also the Recycling Education Coordinator for the city of Denton, says when the inaugural Green Drinks Denton kicked off, they knew they were on to something.
Left, Courtesy of Denton Green Drinks.
“Around 30 people attended, including a city council member, a planning and zoning commissioner, staff and teachers from Denton Independent School District, city of Denton employees, UNT and TWU professors and students, community activists, local business owners and artists.”
For more information on any of these groups, visit their websites or attend a local meeting.
Green Drinks Dallas: Next meeting is Feb.12, 7-9 pm, location TBA.
Green Drinks Fort Worth: Next meeting is Feb. 7, 6 pm., at DeVivo Bros Eatery, 750 S Main St, Keller.
Green Drinks Denton: Next meeting is Feb. 6, 5:30 p.m. at the Last Drop Tavern in Denton.
Cover image: courtesy of Green Drinks Oakville, ON.
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