The North Texas Association of Environmental Professionals meets monthly. Photos courtesy of NTAEP.
Aug. 21, 2017
If you’re a DFW-based environmental professional or want to learn more about the field, there’s a group in North Texas for you.
The North Texas Association of Environmental Professionals is a 501.3(c) non-profit whose members are all connected to work in the environment.
The affiliate of the National Association of Environmental Professionals launched in 2000 and has about 90 members. The group meets the third Wednesday each month in Irving during lunch hour to network and listen to environmental experts.
After a summer hiatus, NTAEP is hosting its first fall presentation on Sept. 20. The topic is “Navigating the Muddy Waters of Environmental Investigations in Land Use.”
NTAEP president Eric Hutton is a licensed state of Texas/Louisiana monitoring well driller and an environmental consultant with a bachelor's degree in environmental science from the Oregon State University who works for ClearFork Consulting Services.
Hutton says the North Texas chapter represents a broad range of environmental roles.
Members' expertise includes real estate transactions, industrial issues, drilling, consulting, extreme due diligence and emergency work, which includes containing spills, sampling soil and water and analyzing data to determine if excavation is necessary, he explains.
He adds that typically, environmental professionals have an interest in environmental protection.
“I think that we all want to be good stewards of the land,” said Hutton.
Jennifer DiIulio, vice president of NTEAP and an account executive at Pace Analytical Services in Fort Worth, agreed.
“I would say that the majority of our members got started in environmental work because they care,” she said.
A lot of consultants are ex-regulators, Hutton said. Regulators are people who work for regulation agencies such as Environmental Protection Agency and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
DiIulio and Hutton said the field is growing and environmental job opportunities are expanding.
“Technology is advancing and that is adding other career paths,” says Hutton.
To help members keep up with advancements, a wide variety of topics are covered at monthly meetings, such as new regulations and the use of drones.
“We might have a speaker talk about environmental projects like the Trinity River Phase or a large highway project,” adds DiIulio.
NTAEP also focuses on networking and considers it to be a big component.
“Our meetings are an opportunity to get to know other professionals in the industry. And not just professionals in the environmental industry, but professionals who are associated with environmentalists, i.e., people connected to cities, etc.,” says Diiulio.
“We are open to students and try to reach out to schools that have environmental programs and allow them to come in."
The group also offers an annual $500 scholarship, she said.
North Texas Association of Environmental Professionals
When: Next meeting is Sept. 20.
Where: Spring Creek Barbeque, 3514 W. Airport Freeway, Irving, Texas 75062.
Topic: "Navigating the Muddy Waters of Environmental Investigations in Land Use.” Speakers Mark McPherson, an attorney, and Stephanie Sunico, a scientist, will review the common steps of environmental due diligence for purchases of property, along with best management practices and other tips.
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